Sunday, March 20, 2005

We made it!!!

We survived Spring Break at home with our kids!! And I can actually say I don't want to kill them both!! Don't get me wrong, I adore my girls, but 7 straight days (8 if you include the first Friday) with no GSPS while trying to work at home and I don't have to explain why I'm on happy drugs. I think the only thing that is bothering me the most is the desire to be a total slug; I'm ready to get back in a routine, and I think the kids are, too. Kendall only took naps 5 out of the 8 days, so I'm a bit worried there (Mags gave up regular naps around age 2) but since she was usually ready for bed a good hour earlier on those days it wasn't too bad. So a big pat on the back for everybody; school starts again this week!!!! Yeah!!!!!

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