Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Here we go again......

So both girls were due to have their post-of hearing tests this morning with Dr. Vest. We go in for a look to see if the tubes are still in the eardrum so they can do their thing, and wouldn't you know it, both of Kendall's are out and one of Maggie's is out. The ears missing tubes aren't showing any fluid buildup (good sign) but all eardrums are slightly retracted. Arrrrggggg!!!! So another six weeks of decongestants and we go back on June 1. At that point, either their ears are doing OK and we'll actually be able to test their hearing (they've yet to keep tubes in until the post-of test a few months following surgery) OR there will be a buildup of fluid or the eardrums will be so severely retracted that they'll be rubbing the inner ear bones and damaging them. If that happens, the next step is bigger tubes, which tend to stay in place longer but carry a greater risk of leaving the eardrum with a permanent hole in it. Once again, I have been cursing the Hood DNA that has left my kids with malfunctioning ears!!! While I am VERY thankful these surgeries are short, out-patient deals, having 5 (6 if you include Maggie's stye) in a 12 month period between both girls starts to get old really fast. I absolutely cannot imagine how stressful it would be to have a really sick child and to deal with multiple, life-threatening treatments and complications. Again, I do give thanks for not dealing with a BIG thing, but I still get frustrated. So I'm back to just cussing the bad DNA they inherited from their father (Dr. Vest said I could!!!).
Thanks once again for reading my rant. I don't know about you, but I feel better now!! ;-)

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

This girl is on a roll!!!

Warning: Icky parenting story ahead!
My baby girl Kendall was unstoppable last night!!! I probably should have been better prepared at bath time last night, since for the past week she is currently batting a thousand for pooping in the tub. It doesn't matter what time her bath is, she has some need to make it her own. But last night she did not one, but TWO better. After contaminating the tub, I whipped her out and stood her on the bath mat, which she promptly peed on. Then, as I was getting Maggie out of the now-yucky tub and trying to avoid the peed-on bath mat, I turn around to see Kendall pooping on the floor!!! Ugh! How come nobody ever told us about these things versus all the adorable things we hear about?? I'll tell you why: nobody would have kids! I mean, I worked with all kinds of body fluids in the lab, but that was from a specimen cup with gloves and a lab coat on; plus the smelly stuff you could stick under a vent hood to work on. I'm ranting, I know, but the bath incidents just happened to cap off a fairly stressful day. Honestly, I was this close to opening a bottle of wine, sticking in a crazy straw, and going to town. I totally understand Bill Cosby's comment now: God made kids cute so we don't kill them!! Think about all the icky stuff you've done as a parent that NEVER would have crossed your mind before having kids. I want to hear some stories to make me feel better!! Happy parenting!