Friday, July 29, 2005

Our House, In the Middle of Our Street......... finally dry and will be finished someday!!! Woooohoooo to no more refrigerator-sized de-humidifiers parked just outside my office!! Our house is actually quiet. Messy, yes, but quiet. Well, as quiet as it can be with two pre-schoolers running around.......
Following the singing debut of our Sunday School class last weekend (rock on Kiah, Lo, Jen & Cheryl!!!!!) I made the 300 mile round trip to see my month-old nephew in Tulsa. Now we've visited my brother and sister-in-law at their house before with the girls, but not since they've become parents themselves. Baby Bryce hasn't seen much in the way of visitors, period, much less the human tornados that I call my precious darling girls. I don't think that poor baby knew what hit him, between Kendall climbing the walls and Maggie being all over him the entire time we were there. I think I just tend to forget the chaos my two kids are capable of causing. To be honest, I think I've learned to tune it out; I have to, I live with it. In short, we were there for about four hours and totally wiped out that whole family. I'd have left sooner, but I tend to think my visiting time has to be at least close to the amount of time I spend in the car to be a worthwhile trip. Add to all that the fact they are typical first-time parents who were biting their nails as my girls crawled all over me while I held Bryce on my lap. I e-mailed my sister-in-law the next day, and it appears they survived. I wonder how soon we'll be asked back?? If ever?? By the way, he's a whopping 10 pounds at a month and his hair has taken on that Will Lawson spiked-on-top baby hair look and it's adorable. Maggie loved to stroke his hair and make Bryce's parents think she was going to poke him in the soft spot. At the very least, they have a lot more respect for what my life is like right now as a parent of two.......
Only a little over a month before GSPS starts!!! Can't wait!!!
Take care of you all and see ya at the pool!!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

And the World Keeps Turning 'Round

OK girls with GSPS kids only: 9 weeks down, 7 to go!!! Yeah team!! We're over half way there!!! On the downward slide!! Woooohoooo!!!

Dawn: I'm severly peeved for you and the whole mystery-person-telling- on-you-to-the-club-manager-behind-your-back incident. If the manager was at all confrontational to you, I'd point out to him that there wouldn't need to be venting blogs regarding the club if the service was at least reasonable. Granted, most of the time it is, but those incidents still ruin the whole picture......I'm going to miss you here!!! Hope you'll still be willing to read & post with us!!

Jeri: I don't know......the varnish fumes start to be kind of fun after a while........Actually they make you sick, so you did the right thing by getting out of there. I can't wait until our house is back in order (if you haven't heard the story, see below). I can't wait to see the final results!!

About our house: Last Wednesday I noticed the upstairs toilet was clogged with what I assumed was a kid-sized wad of toilet paper. Plunging didn't budge it, so I begged Maggie to tell me what was flushed down the potty and her answer began with "Kendall did it ALL by herself!!". After a lot of side-stepping by Maggie she finally stated that Kendall had flushed a doll's shirt. I told Jeff and he said he'd try to snake it out before bed, so I turned in for the night. Maggie got me up at 5:30 am Thursday because she wet the bed, and as I walk into the bathroom there is water all over the floor as the toilet overflows. I throw all the towels I can grab down and head downstairs and as I walk through the living room I step in something wet. Since Jeff hadn't put the dogs up before bed I thought maybe they'd had an accident, then I stepped in some more wet stuff. So I turn on all the lights and there is water dripping down from the ceiling in a circle in the living room, which is located directly below the flooded bathroom. I freak out and get Jeff, stating as calmly as I can that we have a problem. He promptly freaks out with me as he realizes what's going on. We get all the furniture plus the Asian rug moved out of the living room into the kitchen & entryway and throw all remaining towels in a circle on the wood floor. Jeff turns off the water to the toilet and says we have to wait until morning to call the insurance. I try to see the silver lining and point out that we were thinking of remodeling the kitchen & living room anyway.......he fails to see the humor or possibilities with that right then. However, about 10 minutes later he realizes that if we have to tear down the sheetrock he'd be able to wire the ceiling for a projector......Anyhoooo, we try to go back to sleep until 7:00; no such luck for me as Maggie realizes the sun is coming up and decides it's time to get up. Oh goody. So I call Farmers around 8:00 am and contact the claims center and basically begin the waiting game for return calls. Unfortunately they all occur within about a 5 minute time-span during a downpour at the club during swim lessons while I'm trying to corrale two pre-schoolers to dry ground (yes they were already wet from being in the pool but for some reason the thought of getting wet from raindrops was more than they could handle) so suffice it to say, it wasn't my best "mother" moment. I get home and the guy from Servicemaster arrives to start testing the house for water. In short, they've had to pull up some carpet (just installed in late January) and the tile in the bathroom so the fans and de-humidifiers could dry things out. We also have the fan & de-humidifier in the living room, so we can't have a decent conversation in most of the house and can't use the living room for lounging, playing, TV watching, etc. So basically our lives are in a big state of disarray. I just keep reminding myself, it could have been sooooo much worse.

On the good side, Jeff & I just got back from a weekend retreat at the Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas while the girls spent some quality time with his parents in OKC. We loved the hotel, the food, the shopping and the time alone!! Last night we got massages at 8:30 pm, then had room service before falling into bed; what a wonderful way to spend an evening!!! We badly needed the couple time and with our house in it's current state, this was the perfect weekend to go. We plan to do it several times a year.......

So now it's back to reality and all it's little messes. But we're glad to be home.........

Monday, July 04, 2005

Start by putting one foot in front of the other.......

So far this Fourth of July has been pretty good. This morning I ran the Fireball Classic 5K with two goals in mind: 1) Beat my time from last year (29:28) 2) Run the whole thing; no walking!! I am very happy to report I achieved both goals!! My time (29:05) was a bit of a bummer because I'd hoped to break 29 minutes and I felt had I done the first lap faster I would have done it. I also ran the whole thing. What a difference from last year!! In 2004 the heat & humidity were killing me; this year it rained the whole time and I actually got chilled enough to put on a jacket after the race. And if anybody talks to my hubby, that wasn't lightning in the sky, just some people taking lots of pictures with a high powered flash!! I figured my chances of getting struck declined with so many other moving targets around me, so I went for it. The best part is that I won my age group this year (30-34; last year I got second) which was a bonus. Am looking forward to the 5K at the ASA meeting in New Orleans in September; that course is totally flat, so I should get a pretty good time if I keep up my running between now and then. My runner's high doesn't come while I'm running; it comes later when I look back at it. Happy Fourth to everybody!! Have fun and be safe!!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Six down, ten to go!!!!!!

Slowly but surely, we're plodding along through the summer. Again, I offer thanks for Maggs getting her spot in Monta Vista for the summer. She's hooked up with a cute little girl and is having a blast with Miss Tammy. She's getting a place to burn off some of that energy she has so we don't drive each other crazy. That and the pool are keeping her fairly busy. Kendall has become a monkey who enjoys rearranging furniture to create her own personal indoor playground. She's only two, but she's a strong little sucker who apparently has inherited her PaPaw's athletic abilities (that or his sheer stubborness). She's climbed on every table, chair, bed, and OUTSIDE of the staircase in what I've termed her "reach for the stars" effort. Chris G. got a taste of her 'subtle' manner of getting your attention at Madi's birthday party; she grabs you by the pant/short leg and drags you to where she wants you to do something. Apparently she figured out Chris was the one to push her in the swing and she wasn't going to let him go without a fight!!
I'm still ticked at Tommy, as those of you at the Martini Bar witnessed last night. I can't help but get worked up over it, because the whole depression/anxiety thing is something I've struggled with and I certainly don't need 'advice' from somebody who believes hormonal imbalances and mood swings don't exist. You already go through enough thinking you're crazy without being told you're involved with a pseudo-science that uses 'dangerous, mind-altering, psychotic drugs' to try and live your life like a normal person. He and Katie are free to go off to their happily-ever-after land of Scientology. He holds no interest for me anymore; she can have him (I know she was really worried about my competition. Ha!).
Monday morning is the Fireball Classic, and I'm planning on doing the 5K again this year. Thanks for flaking out on me, Lo!! Can't imagine how the lake could possibly be more fun than that!! Jeff is convinced I'm out to win the thing (couldn't if I wanted to) while I just want to be able to run the whole thing and beat my time from last year. I just hope I don't self-combust from the heat. I have already decided I have to do it without trying to take any of the water they offer while we're running; tried to drink & run at the same time last year and nearly choked to death. I'm just not that coordinated, so I'll wait until the finish line, thanks!!
And for those of you who didn't know, I got to meet my beautiful new nephew on June 21 when he was about 2 hours old ('bout time, big brother!!). He snuggled on my chest for about 2 hours while I got to nuzzle that wonderful brand-new baby skin on his shoulder, neck and head. Then I got to hand him back for feeding and diapering. Sounds like a great deal to me!! I can see why grandparents love their job!!! Maggie can't wait to meet him; she'll be all over the poor boy, just 'mothering' him as only a four year old girl can do. If anything, I guess it'll toughen the boy up!!
Happy Independence Day!! Have a safe one!!