Monday, August 15, 2005

Ramblings at 2:00 am.........

No, this really isn't my favorite time to be awake, but looking at my past blogging times, I seem to be developing an unwanted habit. Between Maggie (thunder fears) and Jeff's pager and/or the phone (on-call this weekend), I'm starting to feel like a newborn baby: I haven't slept through the night in a while....oh well, at least I'm potty-trained.
Three more weeks until pre-school starts, and it won't come fast enough for me. I feel bad whining so much about this, as I haven't had both kids home full-time all summer, but I know I'll still feel better once both girls are at GSPS. Maggie's done great at Monte Vista, but for some reason there's less guilt for me involved with GS. I know Kendall is ready to go back; she's getting bored with me and she and her sister are really starting to pick at each other; since they're almost the same size, it's at least a pretty even match-up. I have full confidence in Miss Janota; bless her for being here to whip our two-year-olds into shape!!! We did go to buy school supplies this weekend, and Maggie actually tried to convince me that candy was on the list and she needed it for school. Clever girl. She almost caught me off guard, as she worked it into her constant chatter pretty seamlessly and stated it so matter of factly. Had she not been in the middle of a massive case of the "I want______!!" the entire time we were in Wal Mart, I may have given in. Don't worry, I didn't, which lead to some whining & crying by both kids (Kendall in sympathy for her sister) all the way to the car. And Jeff wonders why I don't jump at the chance to take both kids to Wal Mart on a weekend by myself. Crazy me.
I've been wondering: am I the only one who has the ever-present 'To Do' list running through their heads who actually keeps thinking, "If only I can get X, Y, and Z done, I'll be caught up!!"?? Are we ever really caught up?? I've come to the conclusion that we're not; there's always something else to be done somewhere. It's just a matter of how long and how skillfully we can put it off and turn off that little voice that tells us to get up off our duff and do something. (sigh) I can tell my hubby's increased work load with the extra call is taking a toll on us. He thinks it's only him, but I think he forgets that while he's at the hospital that's just more time for me to handle both kids on my own. Don't get me wrong, I adore my kids, but three females left alone too much are eventually going to drive each other crazy (hence my blog's title) and I never realized how much of the parenting would be left up to me when I married a doctor. Every time we pass the hospital, Maggie waves at it and says "Hi, Daddy!!!" and she's getting used to her questions about why Daddy is disappearing for several hours at a time in the evenings or on weekends being answered with "Somebody's sick and needed his help, honey.". I think she is starting to equate that pager with her Daddy having to leave. I have a feeling this is going to get tougher as they get older and he misses out on events in their lives because he's working. But it's not like I can whine about it; he has a job to do and people need him. It's just not always easy to live with, especially when both of us are sleep-deprived from the calls that come at 2:00 or 3:00 am.
OK enough with the pity party!! I do have some good news. Jeff did manage to avoid the hospital long enough on Sunday that he was able to establish a functioning bathroom upstairs, complete with a non-flooding toilet and hooked-up sink. Yeah team!! No more running Mags down the stairs for middle-of-the-night potty runs!!! Can I get an 'Amen!!"?? He also decided that the floor in his new garage was dry enough (we'd had the concrete stained & sealed last week) for him to park his cars over there, which means...........I get to park in my garage again!!! I was especially thankful yesterday morning when it was raining as we left for church. Can I get another 'Amen'??!! Man I know I'm spoiled, but once you get used to parking in a garage, it's hard to go back, you know??
One other funny thing from this weekend. Mags and Kendall were messing around and suddenly I hear Maggie say "Kendall, you're freakin me out!!". I started cracking up. I'm not sure where she picked that one up, as my constant saying is "You're killing me, kid!" but it was so funny to hear it come out of her mouth. I'm sure it was the first of many.........
We've almost made it, girls. Just hold on a few more weeks. Then we can all run away up to Penn Square to meet Jodi for an afternoon of shopping. Just the adults. No kids allowed!!!

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