Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ear tubes and asthma......

By the title and the time, you can probably guess it hasn't been the greatest week in the Hood family as far as health goes. As you know, the kid's ears have been an ongoing saga since November 2003, when Maggie ruptured both eardrums after an infection. Last Wednesday we went for yet another check-up (luckily they both like Dr. Vest) and left batting 50%. Kendall looked good and won't have to go back for a year unless she has problems before that. Maggie, on the other hand, had eardrums so retracted they were once again rubbing on the bones in her ear. Not good, as that can erode those bones and permanantly damage her hearing. So it's back for tubes (set #4) later this morning (Tuesday) and we're going with a bigger set so maybe they'll stay in long enough to do their job. They could leave a permanant hole in her eardrum, but that can be patched later. She tends to bounce back really fast from this surgery, but I still hate putting her through it. Again, I thank my lucky stars that it's not something more serious we're dealing with. So, wish us luck!!!
My story began about two weeks ago when I realized I was short of breath for no reason; I felt like I'd just landed in the mountains. So after several days of this I called my doctor, and she thought it was probably asthma but needed to rule out a pulmonary embolism. What??!!! Where did THAT come from?? Turns out I'm at higher risk for developing one because I take the pill, even though I don't smoke. So I trek over to VVRH to check out the lightning-fast CT scanner for a pulomonary scan. It wasn't too bad, and somehow I knew the results would be that I was fine in that area. Turns out I was right, so now I'm being treated for asthma. Apparently I've always had a very mild form of it that usually manifested itself as a constant cough. Singulair took care of that, but apparently there is enough stuff (allergens) in the atmosphere right now that I'm having to add an inhaler and Advair to the list of daily meds. I really thought I was being a total hypochondriac until Ispoke with my Mom, who has been having the exact same symptoms over the past few weeks. So at least we're on the right track to getting back to 'normal', whatever you consider that to be.
The house is almost done!!! All we lack is some tile backsplashes, some electrical outlet covers, a few lights, and insulation and we're ready for inspection, which may occur later this week. Keep your fingers crossed for us!! I'm tired of my closet being spread out all over the floor for the dogs and kids to trek on for fun. Jeff spent Sunday cleaning up the yard in front of the house and it looks great, too. We're almost there!!!!! Yeah team!!!
Other good news: Jeff & I have tickets to see Pavarotti next month, an occasion which called for a new dress. I found one Saturday at the Webb in Norman and I absolutely love it (thanks Jeri!!!). I haven't been this excited about a dress since I was planning my wedding and I can't wait for you guys to see pics of it. Silly to be so excited about an article of clothing, but hey, I AM a girl!!! I'm planning to get my hair done and everything; it's like a grown-up prom!!!!! You all will probably be seeing the dress for several years to come, so I hope you like it!!
Keep us in your prayers and I'll let you know how Mags does this morning!!

1 comment:

Gasser said...

The tubes work when they're in there, but they don't tend to stay in for more than a few months. We're keeping our fingers crossed that these larger ones will do the trick.
Thanks for the prayers. Your chip wench appreciates them!!!