Monday, July 04, 2005

Start by putting one foot in front of the other.......

So far this Fourth of July has been pretty good. This morning I ran the Fireball Classic 5K with two goals in mind: 1) Beat my time from last year (29:28) 2) Run the whole thing; no walking!! I am very happy to report I achieved both goals!! My time (29:05) was a bit of a bummer because I'd hoped to break 29 minutes and I felt had I done the first lap faster I would have done it. I also ran the whole thing. What a difference from last year!! In 2004 the heat & humidity were killing me; this year it rained the whole time and I actually got chilled enough to put on a jacket after the race. And if anybody talks to my hubby, that wasn't lightning in the sky, just some people taking lots of pictures with a high powered flash!! I figured my chances of getting struck declined with so many other moving targets around me, so I went for it. The best part is that I won my age group this year (30-34; last year I got second) which was a bonus. Am looking forward to the 5K at the ASA meeting in New Orleans in September; that course is totally flat, so I should get a pretty good time if I keep up my running between now and then. My runner's high doesn't come while I'm running; it comes later when I look back at it. Happy Fourth to everybody!! Have fun and be safe!!

1 comment:

Gasser said...

I'd love a running buddy, so long as she doesn't dust me in the process!!