Tuesday, November 22, 2005

All of this stuff is mine??!!

I've recently found myself in a non-nesting cleaning frenzy and I must say, I'm absolutely amazed at how much crap I have!!! I think the Salvation Army people are beginning to think the same thing, as they've seen me at least twice a week for the last few months to unload it all onto them in the name of a good tax receipt. I just figured that it was time to tackle all those crap-catcher-spots we all have in our homes; you know, those areas that you hate to venture into because you never know what will fall out on your toes the second you open the door?? I also figured that, if I was going to do this, I was going to do it right. I must say, it's nice not to ever worry if anybody takes a peek in my cabinets. Yes, my anal-retentive side is showing, but as long as I'm happy, who cares??

I was able to get a lot done today with Maggie at GSPS and Kendall laid out on the couch with a fever. That was really the main problem, along with all those yucky feelings fevers bring on, like the lethargy, achiness, and just plain feel bad stuff. I was so ticked off at her because she blatantly refused to take any Tylenol or ibuprofen, which I know would have made a world of difference in how she felt. But nooooooooooo.....she has to channel every difficult gene she inherited and spit the medicine back at me. Tonight, out of despiration, we stepped it up a notch and literally put the Tylenol where the sun don't shine. Good 'ole suppositories. At least she can't spit them back at me. If she can, I really don't want to know.......hopefully she'll at least sleep better tonight.

She has to break the fever by tomorrow because we're hosting Thanksgiving for our families this year, hence the driving force behind all the house cleaning and touch-ups. My main worry is for my 5-month-old nephew, Bryce, but since it's doubtful Kendall will even acknowlege his presence I think he'll be OK. It would also be nice for me to have a voice that at least falls back into the 'sexy' range as I'm way beyond that right now into the land of lifelong chain-smoking-whiskey-drinking-lived-a-hard-life voice. My throat isn't really even sore; just feels a bit strained when I'm trying my damndest to 'yell' at my kids. What a bummer. Oh well, at least it's not bronchitis. Again.

A funny Maggie story for you: She was doing the typical four-year-old-bedtime-stall a few nights ago and kept coming to the banister to ask questions. By the third time I was like "What now??!!! Go to bed young lady!!!". Then she sheepishly states she only has one tiny question for me, so I agree, thinking a quick exit is coming. Her question?? "What is energy, Mommy?". I almost fell over laughing at the innocent way she asked then tried to fumble my way through the shortest possible response that would satisfy her. I guess it worked because I didn't hear from her again that night. She just cracks me up sometimes because she has no idea of the weight of some of the questions she asks me in that parentally weak time when we have them in bed and think we're almost home-free for the night (What are angels, Momma?; Where did Caitlin go?? Why?? Why can I see the moon at night??). She just blows me away sometimes and reminds me to stop and smell the roses and take my time to really listen to her an answer her questions. Yes, easier said than done at times, but I'm trying.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, if I don't talk to you before then. May you stay safe, happy, and healthy through the holidays!!!!

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