Thursday, November 17, 2005 that's more like it!!!!

All I can say right now is it's about time!!!! I am one of those people who look forward to cold weather. I sweat at the drop of a hat so summer really isn't my prettiest time. Seriously, I'm in a better mood, have more energy, and I sleep a heck of a lot better when the temp in my house hovers in the lower 60's. Fortunately, my family is the same way. Kendall has been much less gritchy and all of us have been sleeping better. We finally had to turn on our heater yesterday afternoon, as the outside temp hovered in the upper 40's, and I set the thermostat for 64 degrees, which was perfect. So if you're cold-natured, you might want to bring a sweatshirt when you come to visit.........

We got our new Bowflex assembled and have been using it for a few days. Jeff has decided to ditch the low carb plan and try the one that came with the Bowflex. To be supportive, I'm trying it with him. It's not that hard to follow, since it includes things like soup for lunch and Lean Cuisine meals for dinner. The main problem is that he's limited to 1500 calories a day and I'm supposed to be at 1300. Doesn't sound bad until you start adding up calories and you realize that's not much food. I've found myself obsessing over my next meal pretty much all day long, so if I've seemed a bit distant, don't take it personally. The good thing is I've already lost 3 pounds in about a week. Not that I think I need to lose a lot, but I'd like to get to that magic weight we all have where our clothes seem to just fit 'right' and we feel really good. Luckily for me, that weight is a lot closer for me than my hubby. I just hope he can keep the weight he loses off; his weight has been see-sawing too much over the past few years. It worries me because I know that's not good for you. So wish us luck.

We are hosting the family for Thanksgiving next week, so also pray that we get our ovens fixed before then. It would be really interesting to see how we managed a meal like that with no ovens. Hmmmmm.........

Hope all is well in your corner of grater Ader. Just wanted to touch base with my blogging friends. Hey Dawn: See if you can block this one out: Ice, Ice, Baby!!!!

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