Friday, September 02, 2005

In the Words of Swiper the Fox: Oh Maaaaannn!

OK I was just attempting to do a spell check on this really good rant about this week's events involving Katrina (Chris would have been proud, Dawn) and somehow I lost it. So here's the condensed version:

1. My heart aches for those in the middle of Katrina's devastation.

2. We should all try to help where we can. Contact your church to see if they are expecting any of the estimated 400 refugees that are headed to Ada this weekend.

3. I'm trying not to judge the looters too harshly; I haven't been in their shoes, even if they are stolen.

4. I am freely being very harsh in my judgement of those attempting to profit from this situation through price gouging. Straight to jail; no questions asked.

5. Keep them in your prayers. This isn't going to go away for a long time.

Finally, on a lighter note, I am very thankful for the start of GSPS on Tuesday. Amen to that.

1 comment:

Gasser said...

I think Kendall has the crud now. She's got the runny nose and a pretty good cough, but other than that seems to be doing OK. Her cough is what woke me up for my middle-of-the-night-blogging. Tylenol Flu has pretty much taken care of her when I can get her to take it. I've got a raspy throat and am hoping it doesn't get worse; for now I'm trying to blame it on being in the car for 8 hours over the last two days.

I know the girls would want to play. I can usually get some work done while they're here, so give me a call when she's ready to come over.