Saturday, May 14, 2005

Some hints....

Since people so far (besides Jeff) have tanked my quiz, instead of making a new one I'm going to pass out some hints:

1. By 'first real job' I only mean one I actually had to fill out tax forms for.
2. As for the car, drive by Mark Plumlee's house.
3. I'm left handed.
4. The wedding song I had picked out from the time I was 12.


Gasser said...

It's amazing how that stuff makes us open up, huh?? There is a VERY good reason I never get involved in drinking games; I'd hate to think what would come out then!!

Gasser said...

From what Kiah told me (and if it's wrong I don't hold it against her) you have to copy & paste the text into the HTML part of your post then add any message under the Compose part. Look at the tabs on the upper right of the post when you're creating a new one and you'll see them. I haven't had a chance to try it, but I will soon. If you were able to get the number of your quiz, you can use the same address as mine & Jeff's with your quiz's number. Clear as mud?????