Monday, February 14, 2005

Warning: This is a vent!!!

OK so I've broken down and decided to try this thing my friends are all raving about and figured I might as well use it to vent and clear out my system!!
I've been struggling with something since November (Amy & I had a semi-deep discussion regarding this in the GSPS alley back then) and I think my body finally made it clear to me yesterday that I need to stop being so darn stubborn and get some help with it. Back in college I was diagnosed with mild stress-related depression mixed in with seasonal affective disorder (i.e. winter blues). I think it's been something I'd dealt with for years but never sought out help or treatment for it. I was on Prozac for a year and it made a huge difference. I thought I'd learned how to deal with life on my own during that time, and for about 10 years I've done that, but last November things started changing. I recognized some of the signs & symptoms but kept telling myself that it was just that time of year and were I to get on a prescription the stress-causer would be over by the time the meds really kicked in. That was 3 months ago, and I'm still irritable, fatigued and restless. Yesterday I broke down in my church, and you have to understand that I absolutely hate crying in front of other people. I don't care if others cry in front of me, but I guess I tend to not apply those rules to me. Mandy (bless this woman!!) gave me a hug and got me calmed down, but I couldn't go to the service because I knew I wouldn't make it. So instead I ran a few errands and then talked with Donna until the kids were done with Children's church. Donna was a godsend, too, and basically reaffirmed that no, I'm not crazy, and it's OK to get help. All of these things I already know, but again, I'm stubborn. I think I've managed to put it off for so long because it's not like I haven't been happy for 3 months because I have (my birthday party was a great example) but there have been times I feel like I'm putting on a happy front or that it seems like I'm really having to work hard to have a good day. I think I could have gone on like this for longer except I think my body told me yesterday in a way I'd be forced to listen that enough is enough, I need help with this. Looking at myself, I don't know what the problem is; I don't have a stigma about going on meds as I've done it before and they helped me until I could deal with things myself. I have a wonderful group of friends here that I know would let me cry on their shoulder any time I needed to, but I tend to think "They don't need to be worring about me; they have their own lives & families to deal with without my pity party dropping in on them". Again, this is a rule I apply only to me; if a friend was having a hard day I'd love to be her shoulder to cry on or her sounding board to vent at. Actually, I'd expect it. But for some reason I have a hard time accepting the help that would be there for me. Goes back to that stubborness thing again. Jeri- I know you were trying to help me yesterday and get me to talk, and had we been anywhere else I probably would have. I just kept pushing it off because I knew I'd start crying and didn't want to take anything away from Randi's happiness at her shower; it was her time and I wanted all the attention on her, not me. So if I seemed short with you I am very sorry; it's kind of a coping mechanism to talk as little as possible when I'm on the verge of tears. I know you'd have let me sob my heart out to you, but I wouldn't forgive myself for ruining her shower. I'll talk; I promise!!
Anyway, I finally talked to the hubby and told him I'd decided it was time to get some help and he was supportive. I have a call in to my doctor and am waiting for a call back so I can talk to her and decide where to go from here. I already feel better just having finally admitted out loud to needing help and taking the first step towards getting some. In my heart I know it's a temporary thing but it's already taken over a larger period of my life than I think is normal. The on-line test I took yesterday gave me a score that was smack in the middle of the mild range and I showed some of the signs of the anxiety disorder, even though 'anxoius' isn't one of the words I'd use to describe myself. It'll get better, at least I know that.
So thanks, guys, for letting me vent. I know that for me it's a form of therapy and I'm ready to move on!!!
To my buddies: You guys rock my world and have helped just by being you, so thanks.


Gasser said...

Jeri I know you'd never hold my venting against me and you'd always be there for a good cry. I just have to get past that part of me that resists asking for and accepting the help that's been offered to me. Knowing you're there helps. Promise.

Gasser said...

Update: I talked with my doc and she agreed I could use something. Since Prozac worked before we'll go with that again. Should see some results in a few weeks, which should coinside with our trip to Vail. I should come back a happier person!

Carly said...

Oh Kim. I am so sorry you have been going through this. I am so glad you realized you needed more help. As you know from my story..getting to the point where you realize you need help and ask for it is the most important step. I am so proud of you for that. I just love you so are such a wonderful friend and a great person. YOu are a great wife and mother also. You have so much to offer all of those around you. I hope you know you can cry on my shoulder any time. :) I am glad you talked to the doctor and hopefully the Prozac will help you start to feeling better. But just remember, you can always call any of us and we'll be there for you. I can be at your house in no time at all! I love you my friend!

tka821 said...

Kim--I broke down 6 various times today with different degrees of tears..maybe you and I should see if we could get a 2-for-1 deal :)

tka821 said...

hey lo--are there enough singles at fumc to start a singles ss class..

Carly said...

Lo, do you have a blog site? I can't find it.

Gasser said...

Amy - Your post cracked me up!! So what would you do if you found me tossing back the Prozac with wine at 3:31 pm?? Material for Dr. Phil? Just kidding. Kind of. Well, I'd at least be sharing the bottle with Tiffany.....and probably everybody else who had a bad day......
Lo - Isn't venting wonderful?? Hope it helped!! By the way, I have noticed that even though everybody has been trying to include the word "relationship" that the slant has been towards those in marriages. There's got to be a balance somewhere. I did think it was interesting that Big John made his reappearance to our class in the midst of this study....Hmmmmmm......what's up with that??