Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Totally stolen from Miss Zoot......

I admit to lifting this word for word off her blog ( but thought since I admitted it that it would be ok. If you don't agree, then get your own blog. Not that anybody's reading mine; they're all over at Facebook!!
1. If you’re on hold with a company, which is better: To have the recording tell you approximately how long the wait will be, or NOT. Working with insurance companies on almost a daily basis I'd have to say that I HATE it when they interupt the music just to remind you that nobody's available and you'll have to wait. That little pause in the music just makes you think you've finally gotten through. Just let the music play and I'll leave the speakerphone on until you can get to me.
2. Is there ever a cause for you not to tip at a restaurant? I've never not tipped at all, just tipped less than usual for poor service. I think that if something happened to make me consider not tipping at all that I should at least be speaking with a manager first.
3. How do you feel about returning items you’ve purchased? I do it if I have to, but I don't enjoy it. It's usually stressful for me because I can lose receipts in the blink of an eye.
4. How do you feel about walking out of movies? I never have. So far, if I've managed to end up in a tanker then the people I'm with usually join me in making fun of it.
5. Do you sing along with music? All the time!! And I LOVE it when the kids sing with me. With my sunglasses on I can pretend I'm a superstar!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I've gone commercial.......

Never EVER thought I'd be saying this but I am totally in LOVE with a diet. Is that weird?? Here's the scoop: clothes weren't fitting, wasn't feeling great, yadda yadda I researched NutriSystem and decided to go for it. My reasons included that the calorie counting would be done for me, that I'd basically be following a 'script' for what to eat each day, but mostly because I had the feeling that the shelling out of $300 up front for 5 weeks of food would add incentive to stick with the program. So far so good. The food is pretty good, and you add in fruits, veggies, dairy & protein. You have a checklist you follow every day. And darn it if it don't work!! Started a week ago today and am already down over 6 pounds. Granted I've cut out a lot of carbs, but as a pasta lover I haven't felt deprived at all. Eating lots more veggies & salads and feel good. Hoping to re-shape my eating habits as a self-confessed carb whore. Not sure it would be as easy for a meat and potatoes type of eater but it's working for me and I'm sticking to it for another 9 weeks 'cause it's already paid for baby!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So far so good.....

Anybody who knows me even remotely had to deal with my endless worrying about Kendall starting Kindergarten this week. I spoke of little else all summer. Maggie, my angel child, I never worried about since I knew she'd do great in any class she ended up in. But Kendall?? My, to put it nicely, "free spirited" child?? Who could possibly be the perfect teacher for her?? Would she do ok? And on and on and on.......Then out of the blue, this summer she suddenly grew up on me by talking a LOT more and even reading books. What happened to my BABY GIRL??? So far she's doing great in big girl school. Not only did she already know her teacher, but she's also in the same class as 7 of her classmates from last year. Talk about easing her into the public school system! Her teacher told me yesterday that Kendall even worked through a tantrum associated with working on her pincer grip for handwriting and promised she'd keep working on it at home. I'm telling you, that child was born to keep me on my toes; just when I think I have her number she switches it all up on me. Stinker. But she's MY stinker.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

She's baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!

Since the original purpose of this blog was stress management through journaling, I've decided it's high time I start doing it again. So here I am with a short post to show I'm back and making a promise to myself to become a regular visiter again!!!