Monday, May 29, 2006

This pretty much sums it up, especially the last part.....

Your Stress Level is: 54%

You are somewhat prone to stress, especially when life gets hard.
When things are good, you resist stressing over little problems.
But when things are difficult, you tend to freak out and find it hard to calm down.

Doin' the pigeon.........

You Are Bert

Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!

You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you

You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil

How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

She's Finally at Peace......

You all have heard me talk about Angie, who has been battling ovarian cancer for several years. She died on Monday night and although I don't know the details I can be sure that she is at peace and her soul is with the Lord. Her funeral is Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm at our church and will probably be very crowded, a testament to Angie's spirit and the blessing she was to get to know as a friend, if only for a short period of time. It really brings all this fuss over the dance recital into perspective for me, the one who stresses out over every detail of it. Keep her family in your prayers, especially her daughter, that they can know she's at peace and can move on with their lives as she would want them to.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Don't know how well this really describes me, but it IS U2 so it can't be that bad.......

Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2

"Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"

You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too.
Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have low extroversion.
You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.
A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.
You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play.
When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.


You have medium agreeableness.
You're generally a friendly and trusting person.
But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.
You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.


You have low neuroticism.
You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.
Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.
Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is low.
You're a pretty conservative person, and you favor what's socially acceptable.
You think that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea.
While some may see this as boring, many see you as dependable and wise.
Other than the neroticism (remember I identify most with Pablo here) I think this pretty much describes me. What do you think????

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ramblings of an insomniac......

AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!! I finally slept through the night on Friday for the first time in over a month and was so excited. So how come I'm once again blogging during the wee hours of the morning??? I thought I was through with this crap! Some possible reasons:

1. Maggie, my girl who used to sleep like the dead, has decided she's scared of thunder. So we had a guest in our bed for about 2 hours while the latest storm rumbled through. Anybody who has attempted to sleep with a child in their bed knows how impossible that is. Amazing the effect a 35 pound child can have on two people in a king-sized bed.

2. I, in a moment of insanity (there are so many), planned a birthday party/cookout in honor of my baby girl turning three. No biggie except our backyard is weed city, I'm behind on my office work dealing with the end-of-the-month paperwork overload, Jeff is being held captive by VV (didn't get home until 11:00 pm and he wasn't even on-call), Maggie has extended rehearsals for the recital next week, the OK medical license board decided we needed to be audited for his CME credits, we won't be home for most of the day before the party, and the day of I've got a bell choir concert at church and have to be there at 8:15 for rehearsals. WTF was I thinking???? Good thing those coming love me enough to embrace the chaos that goes with me!!! Martha Stewart I definitely am not, but we figure enough alcohol will keep anybody from noticing...

3. The dance recital is May 11. Now at least I've been through it once and have some idea what lies ahead in the next 8 days, but it isn't conducive (sp??) to decent sleep. Plus Maggie is balking at going and the only way to get her there is to remind her the end product involves dressing up and getting to wear makeup.

4. This is Meals-on-Wheels week for the Alliance. I don't really mind doing it other than it just cuts my day in half. You just start to get into your office groove and have to leave for an hour. It's a good program and I feel good when I participate, but you know how it goes......

All that aside, there have been some good things going on in the Hood household. First of all, Jeff loved the pictures and was totally surprised that I pulled it off without him knowing. Score!!!!! Second, we became the proud owners of a 39 foot class A motorhome last Friday (think 'bus' and you get the picture). Sure Jeff got the trial by fire by driving it for the first time on I-35, in construction with the concrete barriers on either side, in a thunderstorm, but he's a quick learner and did fine. We spent most of the weekend hanging out in it, with all the slides and awnings out, in our driveway. Excuse me, but do I have a big 'L' on my forehead??? (for some blondes out there, that stands for 'LOSER'). Doesn't matter 'cause we all had fun, except for the moment Kendall whacked her head on the corner of one of the slides, but she's fine. We saw the RV movie the next night, and took lots of mental notes of what NOT to do on our first family trip. We are working on OU tickets for next season and plan to be in Norman for all the home games. Talk about a party rig!!!!

As my eyes get heavy, I'll leave it at that for this morning. See ya later!!!!!